Coronavirus is likely going to be one of the hottest topics of the century and sure to make its mark in our history books. Whether you’re the type of person to stock up immediately on quarantine essentials, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and pantry items just in case, or someone who’s decided to use this as an opportunity to book some cheap flights, we’ve all been reading and hearing about COVID-19 and the huge role it’s playing in our everyday lives.
In an unsure time, it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, loved ones, and taking precautions to prevent coronavirus. This might mean that you’re stuck at home for an extended period of time, or have to work from home as well. Don’t waste your money and become a victim of price-gauging, or make a rash decision to stock emergency supplies that might end up getting tossed once the panic is over (ahem… we see you over there hoarding toilet paper).
We’ve come up with a helpful list of items that might help make this time easier, and help fuel you through a time that is sure to be full of anxiety and fear surrounding the new pandemic.

1. Eat Your Coffee Bars
Okay, we’re 100% biased here but in all honesty, these caffeine bars are a staple for many stay-at-home parents who need a little pick-me-up throughout the day, and anyone who just needs that caffeine boost and snack packed into one. Plus, they’ve got a long shelf-life. If you’re stuck at home with kids and need to find your sanity or even trying jet your way somewhere else amid the pandemic, we’ve got your energy snacking needs covered.
2. Oats
Oats can last in your pantry for 2-3 years, so they’ll certainly last a potential 14 days if needed. Plus, they’re quick, nutritious, and fun to mix with things like nut butter or cinnamon sugar. Think of it as a multi-faceted breakfast option.
3. Frozen Pizza
Maybe not on the top of most emergency-supply lists, but there’s no shame in indulging. Plus, these days you can find anything from pizza with cauliflower crust to meatless pepperoni pizza.
4. Nut Butter
A staple on survival and hiking foods. Nut butter is one of the tastiest treats with a long shelf life.
5. Rice
Another survival food staple. Rice can be dressed up in many different ways. From stir-frys to fried rice, you can do a whole lot with this basic grain.
6. Quinoa
A tasty alternative to rice and our go-to for making tasty nutritious quinoa bowls!
7. Snacks!
Yes, most snacks are shelf-stable for more than a year. Go crazy stocking up on your favorite snacks and live your best life. A little feel-good indulgence is probably what we all need right now.
8. First-aid Kit
Not because we think you’ll need it, but it’s a great idea to have on hand since you might not be able to run to the store if you need to.
9. A Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, or Prime Video account.
Here are our top series to binge-watch:
- Netflix - Love Is Blind
Ok… we know this one is something else... but it’s just so bad that it’s good, you know?
- Netflix - Queer Eye
In case you just want to feel better about the state of the world.
- Hulu - Homeland
A little drama, a little action. What’s not to love?
- Disney+ - Mandalorian
Have you not seen Mandalorian yet? Baby Yoda, guys. C’mon.
- Prime - The Bachelor
Yes, you can binge the bachelor on prime. We won’t judge.
10. Medicines
Whether you’re a naturalist and swear by garlic cloves or go the more modern route and need a jug of ibuprofen, this is another thing you don’t want to find yourself in need of. Stock up now so you don’t have to even think about it. You probably won’t need it, but it doesn’t hurt to have it on hand.
If you’re wondering about a coronavirus cure, coronavirus updates, or coronavirus symptoms, you can easily stay up-to-date on the topic here:
John Hopkins University developed a pretty nifty map to track coronavirus updates here.
Wondering how to prepare for coronavirus?
Please note that we’re not science or health experts, we’re simply edible coffee-enthusiasts who know how to live it up when we’re stuck in the same place for a while. Please always consult your doctor if you’re experiencing any symptoms of coronavirus or cold and flu-like symptoms.
Try Eat Your Coffee!
Text YUMTASTY to 29071 for 3 free snacks!